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Cannot be opened error when you start Office Starter - Office | Microsoft Docs

Cannot be opened error when you start Office Starter - Office | Microsoft Docs

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"Microsoft Word Starter cannot be opened. Try again or repair - Microsoft Community.Microsoft Excel starter cannot be opened. - Microsoft Community 



Microsoft Word Starter cannot be opened. Try again or repair the - Microsoft Community.msft word starter can't be opened windows 7 - Microsoft Community

  Oct 15,  · Microsoft word started cannot be opened. Try again or repair the product in the control panel. Archived Forums > which should contain the correct version of Office Starter. If you have problem find the recover disc, or still have problem to activate Office with the "PIN" you got, please get contact with the computer manufactory for help. Aug 26,  · Microsoft word started cannot be opened. Try again or repair the product in the control panel. Archived Forums > which should contain the correct version of Office Starter. If you have problem find the recover disc, or still have problem to activate Office with the "PIN" you got, please get contact with the computer manufactory for help. May 08,  · Microsoft Word Starter cannot be opened. Try again or repair the product in Control Panel. Everything fine last night but this morning after windows update I am getting this message. Tried the repair option and it says repair completed Incompatible program. Have restarted but still getting same message and am sick as a chip.  

Microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free."Microsoft Word Starter 2010 cannot be opened. Try again or repair the product in control panel."


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Microsoft Word Starter cannot be opened - Business Applications


You currently have javascript disabled. Several functions may not work. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. Latest News: New Go botnet Panchan spreading rapidly in education networks. Posted 10 November - Microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free.

The popup reads:. Try again or repair the product in Control Panel. Repairing Microsoft Office Starter - English was unsuccessful because an internet connection is required. Ensure your computer can access the internet and try again. Snip attached. I am still unable to do a system restore from a restore point. Edited by hamluis, 10 November - PM. Moved from Win 7 to Bus Apps - Hamluis. What you value is your reward.

Then add any security updates and SPs that have been issued for that version. Malware Forum. I considered that but just too hesitant because I have no way to do a system restore if things get worse. It's my understanding that Office is no longer available as a download, so I'd never get back to Office Starter if I uninstalled Microsoft Office I would restart and try it all again. Restart laptop. Try again to do a system restore; same error. The Internet Connection required to perform a complete repair of Microsoft Office Starter English could not be found, a quick repair was performed while offline.

If your problem persists, connect to the Internet and retry repairing. Lo and behold, when it restarted after the restore, there was NO error! I went to a Word doc, clicked Open, and it took a few seconds, but it started to come up and then some notices about "accept these terms" and options for updates I microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free actually thinking they were trying to slip Windows 10 in on me. I went to Start menu to look at All Programs, and lo and behold, the gold triangle with the exclamation point inside it was on the Shut Down button!

So I installed today's updates, restarted, and just reporting that Office Starter is working microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free, Windows Updates seem to be working again, and system restore may even be working again. This was even worse however - contrary to what Microsoft Community answers say, after uninstalling Office Starterthere is NO option for "use" or "open" /11826.txt Starter at Microsoft Office - there is only buy outright or try free for 30 days, and I doubt that even applies anymore.

I would have lost acess to all that work had I not been able to install a paid version of Office Phooey on Microsoft and its corny, mostly unworkable Community answers. For the future, microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free this problem re-occur, you could try installing Libre Office, a free office suite you can get from here.

It is capable of opening. XLS and. It has its own native file format but you can export back to MS Office type files. There are occasional formatting problems across the file types but these are getting fewer. Worth a look. Posted 11 November - PM. It's amazing that literally hours of research online did not produce this information or even a hint of it. I have lurked this site for many years but have never posted.

I know I should probably start a new thread for this, but I am thinking it is probably not worth the effort, since there doesn't seem to be a solution to this issue.

I have a client that has the exact same problem. In fact, this has happened with a few clients. However, this current client really wants his program to work again and with all the collateral issues I think it would be better for all involved, especially me. So, same set of problems, an update apparently didn't finish and the stupid 'repair' program doesn't see the internet connection.

I un-installed the starter program and now the click to install program doesn't offer to install the Starter version. Most annoying. Considering how many times I have run into this. I would not be surprised if this is some gimmick from Microsft to get all the 'Starter' users to purchase Office.

I too have researched this exhaustively. So this is my last hurrah so to speak. Any ideas from the community would be appreciated, but please don't assume I am a newbie and ask me to start at square one. I have outlined the issue, it's the same as jackiemarie's. Oh, one last thing, It did at one time, resume working just like jackiemaries's, then another update took it out again. I have turned off the updates at this time. Not that that would amount to anything since I have un-installed the Starter anyway.

Barring a full re-image to factory settings, is there anyway to get this thing to work again? Posted 31 December - AM. As you can tell, this Business Application forum isn't widely followed. Having so little technical knowledge, Microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free have no suggestions - unless like me, someone has a paid for, earlier version of Windows Office they can install.

Also, I attempted to upgrade this HP laptop to Pro using the pre-installed link. Microsoft no longer allows anything but upgrading to Windows 10, from any source Rather predatory in my estimation. If you come across a solution, please post back to let me know. Good microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free, I am having the same problem.

It came with the laptop. Posted 06 October - PM. I do understand your frustration; MS really botched things up for those of us who just used Office Starter last year when this mess came up. In post 6, Moderator Chris Cosgrove does say that www. You might give it a try. Chris is top-notch and won't steer you in a wrong direction.

Some of the forums don't permit attachments. We're in for some wind and rain shortly here in my neck of the woods, so probably won't be back online for a time. I hope my experience can help you! Two days ago I had a situation where the Q drive for the Office Starter Click-to-run got deleted, although it's supposed to be protected! I'm one of those stubborn folks who really likes and wants to keep the Starter, which I've been using for years as a pre-install.

I use this almost daily and have a ton of docx documents, and frequently use the program's image editing function as well. There was no Repair option in the programs list, just Uninstall, and googling for help led to everyone basically saying uninstall, nothing you can do, etc. I tried the System Restore, in which all my points but the one most recent had now disappeared by the way, but no luck there.

However- I got my Office Starter back! Since I hadn't uninstalled, the program files remained and I began poking around, looking for. By dumb luck and some educated guessing I was fairly quickly successful. Here is what I did:. I clicked Repair. A dialog box appeared that said 'Microsoft is downloading the required features'. The Q drive Click-to-run was not recovered, but that didn't microsoft office word starter 2010 cannot be opened free to make a difference because the Starter was functioning fine in creating, editing, saving, and opening documents again.

I did notice a chunk of fonts missing though, and today repeated the process to see if Ссылка на подробности could recover the missing fonts, not showing in the fonts install-delete page. Success there as well, although only about half were recovered. In addition, this second go-around did recover the Q drive. I clicked 'Cancel' but the /2936.txt process kept on hanging, with the disc apparently spinning endlessly, so I manually opened the DVD drive tray to take it out.

Not the thing to do! That deleted the disc drive from 'Computer' and the Device Manager! AND deleted the Click-to-run Q drive as well. Later I decided to try to play a disc to see what would happen. Amazingly, just opening the tray manually again recovered that drive info to the machine. Posted 22 October - PM. To point up the flexibility of Libre Office, I have an old laptop which has Linux Mint installed as its OS and Libre office is the installed office suite. I had a few free minutes the other week and we were discussing PowerPoint.

I had a PP presentation on a memory stick перейти was generated in PowerPoint on a Win 7 computer and just out of curiosity tried opening it on the Linux laptop. It opened the file without any problem and, to my surprise, actually ran the presentation.


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